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  • Full Name:Fazle Rabbi Dayeen
  • Address:Chicago, IL 60607

Hello There!

I am Dayeen. Doctoral Researcher of Physics, Adventurer, Enthusiast Photographer.

Working to pursue PhD degree in Soft condensed matter & Biophysics at Illinois Institue of technology. Has experience working with Grazing Incident X-ray diffraction at Argonne National Laboratory. Completed Master of Science (MSc) in Theoretical Physics with a thesis on Quantum Field Theory. Experienced in Data analysis and Data visualization. Expertise includes Computational Physics, Condensed matter physics and Biophysics. Proficient in working with large data sets using Mathematica, Tableau and have good command over Python, C++.

    • 2020-Present
  • [1] Analyzing the property of insoluble monolayers at physiological temperature using GIXD (Grazing incident X-ray diffraction).
  • The primary goals of this research will be elucidating the role of individual molecules in pulmonary surfactant, their cooperation at the molecular scale required for proper lung function, and the design of synthetic surfactant mimics.
    • 2019-2020
  • [2] Building a computational model to identify the emerging topics from scientific literature.
  • We used latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)—a probabilistic approach to retrieve topics from the abstract of over 35,000 publications on industrial ecology to uncover the main topics (consisting of new terms) that naturally emerge from them. The evolution in time of the importance of some emerging topics is then analyzed on the basis of their relative frequency. Overall, a rapid growth in climate change publications is observed.
    • 2018-2019
  • [3] DFT+U Simulation of LaNiO3 using python and the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP).
  • We computed the structural property, the correlated electronic structure, and the vacancy energetics of LaNiO3 thin films using computer simulation. In this project Vienna Ab-initio simulation package (VASP) was used to perform the Density Funtional Theory (DFT) plus U calculations on the thin films of LaNiO3.
    • 2016
  • [4] Cause-Effect Pair Detection: A classification based approach.
  • We attempted to build a classification based approach to solve the cause-effect pair detection problem and thus addresses the importance of attributing causes to effects which is pervasive in almost every aspects of our daily life involving human reasoning and decision making.
    • 2013-2014
  • [5] Application of Aboav-Weaire's and Lewis' laws and calculation of Self-similarity in weighted planar stochastic lattice.
  • In this study, we show that the block size distribution function in the weighted planar stochastic lattice (WPSL) exhibits dynamic scaling. We also checked if the WPSL obeys the Lewis and the Aboav-Weaire laws by running simulation written in C++ programming language.
    • 2012-2013
  • [6] Analysis of constraint structure of coupling of vector gauge field to a massive tensor field in presence of pseudoscalar and a scalar mass term
  • A thesis project on toward the degree of Master of Science in Theoretical Physics by Fazle Rabbi Dayeen. We consider a model in which vector gauge field is coupled directly to an antisymmetric tensor field in presence of a pseudoscalar and a pure scalar mass term and hence calculate the degrees of freedom.
    • 2009
  • [7] Generating and visualizing the fractal property of Julia-Mandelbrot set using C++ and Gnuplot.
  • The Julia-Mandelbrot set is the one of the famous object in computational physics and modern mathematics. We developed a C++ code that generates and plot the set by iterating a simple function on the points of the complex plane.

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Solution: Mechanics- The pulley Solution: Mechanics- The pulley Reviewed by Dayeen on 8:54 PM Rating: 5
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